Monthly Archives: December 2014

Choose One


In a world where everyone seems to be moving at a break-neck pace, find and choose one activity a day to slow your roll. We all need refueling and alone time to regenerate our mind, emotions, and j general well being.

For some, it is exercising or yoga. For others it is meditating. I also find journaling is good as well or reading. Begin your day with one of these practices and I believe you will see a a sense of well being arise. It is taking the time to do something just for you that does not involve anyone else. I used to try and do all of the above and I would end up stressing about getting all of them done, which order should I do them in, or feeling guilty if I didn’t get all of them done.

Today, I am about ease and grace and KISS (Keep it Simple Silly). Just choose one and watch the not so subtle change occur in your overall being. Choose One Today!